Round Lake Shoreline - Pottery
These sherds likely belong to this partially reconstructed, thousand-year-old clay pot. The form, coil manufacture and decorative elements date from the Middle Woodland Period. Decoration was applied to the wet clay with a stamping tool resembling the edge of a scallop. One sherd has a mending hole that would have been threaded with cord to bind the cracked pot.
Ceramic Vessel
Collection: Round Lake Shoreline
Object: Native Vessel
Material: Clay, Ceramic
Period: Middle Woodland
This grit-tempered clay vessel is representative of the later Middle Woodland Period, as late as 1000 BP. The Middle Woodland peoples followed the same basic ceramic tradition for almost a thousand years. This partial vessel, likely made using the coil technique, was decorated with what archaeologists term a pseudo-scallop shell implement, stamped into the pot while the paste was still wet, before firing.