By joining the Friends of Bonnechere Parks (FBP) you help us steward the natural and cultural heritage resources of the Little Bonnechere River in the Ottawa Valley.
Established in 1992, the FBP is a small but dedicated group of volunteers with a mandate to support, protect and promote the natural and cultural heritage resources of the Little Bonnechere River watershed. New volunteers are always welcome, and membership among Bonnechere Park visitors, neighbours and stakeholders is always encouraged.
Individual $10
Family $15
We invite you to support the FBP by giving a donation of your choice or a donation according to one of the following categories:
Annual: $35 to $99
Supporting: $100 to $149
Donor: $150 to $249
Benefactor: $250 and up
All contributions to the FBP are tax deductible.
As a charitable organization, we benefit a great deal from the volunteer efforts of a dedicated group of families, friends and campers who look upon Bonnechere Provincial Park as a special place. We invite you to ask about becoming a part of our group, helping out with a special event, or joining our Board of Directors.
If you are interested in helping build healthy community with the Friends of Bonnechere Parks, we would like to hear from you!
Send us an email and we will reach out to you.
The FBP are important because they salute plants and animals in Bonnechere Provincial Park to reconcile the First Nation and Settler populations.
Ken Swayze
Among the most significant roles of the FBP is in helping visitors appreciate the past and current cultural heritage along the river, both Indigenous and Colonist.
Rory MacKay
Avocational Archaeologist, Historian
As a long-time FBP volunteer I have had so many opportunities to learn about our natural and cultural heritage while supporting programming in the Parks.
Jane Duff
FBP Founding Board Member
The greatest reward I get from volunteering wth the FPB is knowing that we are sowing the seeds for future generations to appreciate and protect the history of the Little Bonnechere.
Betty Biesenthal
FBP Volunteer
I have been working with the FBP for over 20 years. I can best describe my experience with them as collaborative, innovative, positive and dedicated.
Carmen Goold
Regional Development Advisor